Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Today I left work early in order to attend my orientation for fashion school. Since the bookstore is only open until 6:00pm or early on weekdays and closed on weekends, today was the only day for me to pick up my books. So, I rushed out of work, caught the train, and coolly and calmly walked up to my school for the first time. The thing about fashion school is that everyone thinks they know about clothes and fashion and most of them do. My style is much more classic than that of those I passed. It's also more, ahem, work appropriate. After picking up my books, I passed a girl who looked like she stepped out of a Madonna music video circa Holiday complete with a mini jean skirt, teased hair, and many thin bangle bracelets.

Suddenly feeling old/out of place/from the wrong decade, I tried to find the seminar rooms. Luckily it only required talking to 2 different security guys. The orientation sessions were broken down based on program, which means I was with other night and weekend fashion merchandising management majors who already have a bachelor's degree. Those 10 other women and one dude seemed much more like me than some of the students I had passed on the street. More conservatively dressed, varied interests, born prior to 1990... One even has a kid! Hopefully I'll have classes with a few of them.

Then of course, one of the professors at my orientation advised that we don't buy our books prior to our first class, but half the books I purchased were listed on the syllabus for one class, and well, the other 2 look interesting at least!

Added bonus - I got my id card after orientation, and there was no line! Sweet.


Annette said...

Hi, I linked here from TheNest (messaged you on F&B a couple weeks ago). I think it's really cool that you're going to fashion school! Good luck with school starting!

MW said...

Thanks! I've already thought of a question for my textiles prof - Is Modal considered a natural fiber, a synthetic fiber, both or neither? :)