Saturday, February 21, 2009

Countdown to MD

This week, Mr. renewed the lease on our student apartment. That is the last lease we'll sign for this apartment, which is both exciting and terrifying.

This upcoming year will be filled with away rotations, step II exams, residency applications, interviews, and, in a year, Mr. will submit his rank list. I'm certain it will be exciting ...and expensive.
This week, the two midwestern programs Mr.'s thinking of doing away rotations at posted their applications and schedules for the 2009-2010 school year. As visiting students often have an advantage when applying for residency, narrowing down which programs to apply for aways at
has been like making a mini-match list... only we haven't seen any of these places yet, so Mr. can't judge based on the people or the program outside of rankings, location, and data posted on Frieda.
The first is easy. It's the program in located halfway between both sets of parents.
The other will be in Chicago, the city all midwestern 20-somethings dream of living. As there are four programs in Chicago, it's really difficult to determine which to choose. The location is the same, so that's a draw. Then two are prestigious while the other two aren't as prestigious. From there we're stuck. One has a really strong ortho program, but the other has a decent ortho program and an extremely good and well-known brand. I'm leaning toward the latter, but of course I'm not in medicine.
How are we supposed to make this decision?

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