Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Last Night

MW: Did you find out what your schedule's going to be like this weekend?
Mr.MW: Oh, sorry, I forgot.  I'll find out tomorrow.
MW:  Cool; let me know.
Mr.MW: I'll probably have Sunday off.
MW: Then we can go out for our anniversary.
Mr.MW: (at least half joking) Aw, my only day off and I have to go to stupid anniversary!
MW: (playfully) But it's to mark the happiest day of your life!
Mr.MW: A year ago was the happiest day; this is just an anniversary.
MW: pfft.
Mr.MW: Alright, but I'm bringing my books!
MW: Awww, it'll be just like our honeymoon. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
